Two-Left-Feet Child

Full of enthusiasm, Two-Left-Feet runs headlong into activity, always ready to play and be a friend to all. A very willing child, he’s described by his parents as easy to be around. He brings the right amount of energy to whatever the game is, but he has difficulties with the physical skills required to play the game. His timing is off and he’s often running in the wrong direction. During a little league game, for example, it may take Two-Left-Feet more time to see the ball than other players, but once he does, he dive bombs it, scrambles, fumbles, and throws. He falls easily but gets right back up and keeps on trying.

Two-Left-Feet Child is described as awkward by his parents, with delayed motor skills. He has a good disposition and doesn’t seem to notice he’s less coordinated than the other kids, at least during his preschool years. He has low muscle tone and his mouth is often in the open position. Drooling is an issue.

Two-Left-Feet has language skills, but his articulation is a problem and his speech can be difficult to understand. One of his classmates thinks he comes from another country because of his funny accent.

A good sleeper, he settles into bed easily, although in the morning his head may be at the foot of the bed.

Picky about food, he prefers things easy to chew with a consistent texture. Because chewing is difficult, Two-Left-Feet often pockets food in his cheeks and then spits it out.

As Two-Left-Feet Child gets into the upper grades, he starts to recognize he’s not as gifted physically as his cohorts. Often, he’s the last one picked for team games. He begins to opt out of physical activities and prefers to play with only a few friends. Watching television and playing video games have become his favorite hobbies. This once social and willing child starts to withdraw. He becomes more sensitive and emotional. His video game playing offers him an alternative world where he feels he has power and understands the rules. Playing and talking about video games seems to be all he does. Two-Left-Feet frequently plays with his “virtual friends.” He’s becoming a loner and stays in his room a lot. He talks about how everything isn’t fair, even complaining about having to go to school. He doesn’t want to do his homework and often hands in his assignments late.

Two-Left-Feet Child has a hard time with reading and math. His teachers say he needs a tutor and his handwriting isn’t legible. He’s been referred to both the speech and occupational therapist at his school.