Lunchables are Not Food

Poor digestion, slow elimination and food sensitivities often go hand-in-hand with a diagnosis of a Brain-Based Disorder (BBD). Colic in infancy, unexplained rashes of early childhood, ongoing constipation, fear of pooping and poor self-regulation can be traced back to gut issues and are typically more common in children with other behavioral, sensory and learning difficulties.

Our gut has been called our “second brain” for a clear reason. Our gut is lined with networks of neurons just like the brain in our skull. 90% of these neural fibers run directly from the gut to the brain carrying signals informing and influencing behavior. Our gut can tell our brain “no stress here, all is well with the world” or “holy cow I’m in big trouble here”. Our gut isn’t responsible for the decisions we make, but it can set the mood and milieu from which our decisions are made.

We are what we eat is a perfect statement as none other on this topic. Eating of commercially packaged, engineered, chemically and additive laden substance is not the food our grandparents ate. As Michael Pollen the author and activist stated in his book, In Defense of Food, “Don’t eat anything your great-grandmother wouldn’t recognize as food” as a rule to eating for health. He also recommends not eating anything with more than 5 ingredients listed on the label.

Our modern diet is part of why we are seeing with so many cases of BBD in our culture. Eating of whole foods and being more conscious of what we feed ourselves and our children is to win at least half the battle with BBD’s.

Before medicating your child or before recommending medication to your young little patients make/recommend changes in diet. It will change the mood, attention, elimination routine and self-regulation of child. Before you put a grocery item in your cart ask yourself one question: Is this a nutrition dense food? If the answer is “NO” put the item back on the shelf.

Installing the habit of serving and eating whole foods over time will become easier to do than not do.

In closing keep this statement by American novelist, poet and environmental activist Wendell Berry in mind:

 “People are fed by the Food Industry, which pays no attention to health, and are healed by the Health Industry, which pays no attention to food.”


Have an absolutely yummy day,



